Westcap Mgt. Ltd. (“Westcap”) is pleased to announce a significant investment into WBM Technologies LP (“WBM”). The transaction was completed in syndication with Westcap managed funds, Golden Opportunities Fund Inc., Saskatchewan’s longest-standing provincial Retail Venture Capital (RVC) fund, and Westcap MBO III Investment LP, Westcap’s third private equity fund.
Latest News
Golden Opportunities Announces New Innovation Investment in iQMetrix
Golden Opportunities Fund (“Golden”), is pleased to announce its newest innovation investment in Chrysalis Software Inc. (formerly, iQmetrix Global Ltd.). The transaction was completed in syndication with Westcap MBO II Investment LP (the “MBO II Fund”). Westcap Mgt. Ltd. (“Westcap”) is the fund manager for both Golden and the MBO II Fund.
Westcap Announces Successful Exit of MDT
Westcap Mgt. Ltd. (“Westcap”) is pleased to announce that it has successfully exited Modular Driven Technologies LP (“MDT” or the “Company”), a portfolio company of Westcap MBO Investment LP (the “Limited Partnership”).
Westcap Announces Final Close of $285 million for Fund III
Westcap Mgt. Ltd. (“Westcap”), is pleased to announce the final close of Westcap MBO III Investment LP (“Fund III” or the “Limited Partnership”) of $285 million. Upon its launch in spring 2021, Fund III targeted a minimum raise of $150 million which represented an increase from previous Funds in the series.

River Landing, East Tower
Suite 601, 409 3rd Avenue S.
Saskatoon, SK S7K 5R5